Software Engineer Courses


Software engineering is the process of designing, developing, testing and maintaining software. It involves the design and development of computer software systems that conform to the organization’s requirements.


software engineer Courses

FreeCodeCamp is a nonprofit that helps you learn to code and get a job. They have a lot of tutorials for free, but if you want to move on to the paid program, it costs $99 per month or $299 per year. You can also get your personal certificate after finishing their course by taking an online test.

There are many other free learning resources available on the internet; here are some common ones:

  • Codecademy – This site helps you build your first website with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript (and more). It’s free!

  • Lynda – For more advanced coding skills than what FreeCodeCamp offers, check out Lynda:


software engineer courses

Udacity is an online learning platform that offers web development, data science, and artificial intelligence courses. Udacity’s mission is to “provide the world with access to knowledge” through its free online courses.

Former Google employee Sebastian Thrun founded the company in 2011 as part of Stanford University’s entrepreneurship program. Udacity has since expanded into additional areas of education including coding boot camps for those looking for work after graduation or those who want to learn how technology works (or doesn’t).

Stanford University

software engineer courses

Stanford University is a private research university in Stanford, California. It was founded in 1885 by Leland Stanford as an all-male institution and named for him. The school received its current name in 1964 when it became coeducational and expanded its offerings to students from other nations.

Stanford has one of the most selective admission processes among top universities in the United States; only 14% of applicants are accepted each year (with an acceptance rate of 10% at MIT).

The university offers over 200 academic programs across arts & humanities; science & technology; business & economics; social sciences; medicine; law enforcement/public safety management information systems (MIS)

MIT OpenCourseware

software engineer couses

MIT OpenCourseWare is a free and open digital publication of virtually all MIT course content. MIT OpenCourseWare offers materials from 2,100 courses, covering the entire curriculum at MIT.

MIT OpenCourseWare is part of the edX initiative, which has been created to provide high quality educational content freely available on the web.

Software Engineering Takes Practice and Time

Software engineering is a skill that takes time and practice. You will need to learn how to think like a software engineer, which can be difficult at first. Fortunately, there are many resources available online that can help you improve your ability in this area. One of these resources is, which offers interactive courses on how one should approach problems when developing software applications (and other types of programs).


All of these courses are excellent resources for learning about software engineering. I highly recommend you check them out and decide which one would be best for you.