How to make money online as a web developer

Hope so all you are well, as we all know that at that present time, it’s tough for all of us to earn money in a progressive and easy way so that’s why here I come with some informative article for all of them who are new in this field like beginners and as well as who are proficient in this field. Learning to make online money as a web developer is an easy way to earn lots of money and save your future as well as some other problems which all of us face in regular job duties.

We all know that there are some common ways of online earning nowadays like

  1. Work on Fiver and UpWork and some other sites as a freelancer.
  2. Do some online jobs as a web developer

There are many ways for web developers to make money, depending on your skills, interests, and the amount of time and effort you’re willing to put in. Some common options include which are going through the easiest to hardest way, so if you are a beginner then start from the top and then go towards bottom methods to gain well experience and informative tips for your career. Here are some options,


Building and selling your own products.

Make Money Online as a web developer

If you have a great idea for a web-based tool or application, you can build it and then sell it on your own website or through a platform like Code canyon.

There are a lot of ways to make money on the internet, but one of the most popular and profitable is to build and sell your own products. This can be done in a number of ways, but the most common is to create an information product such as an eBook, video course, or audio course.


The beauty of this business model is that you don’t need a lot of start-up capital, you can do it from home, and you can often keep all the profits for yourself. In addition, there are a number of ways to market your products, so you can find the approach that works best for you.


One of the biggest challenges of this business model is creating a product that people want to buy. This means doing your research and creating something of high quality that provides real value to your customers.


If you can do that, then you can enjoy a successful business that will generate a steady stream of income for years to come.


Blogging on websites

blogging on websites

Blogging is a great way to make money on your website. You can either sell advertising space on your blog, or use affiliate marketing to earn money. With advertising, you can sell ad space on your blog to companies that want to reach your audience. You can charge a flat rate for a certain amount of space, or you can charge by the number of views the ad receives. With affiliate marketing, you promote products or services on your blog that you believe in, and receive a commission on any sales that result from your promotion. There are many different affiliate programs available, so you can find one that fits with your blog’s topic and audience. Blogging is a great way to make money on your website. It’s a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world, and it can also be a lucrative way to make some extra money. Blogging is a great way to make money on your website. You can either sell advertising space on your blog, or use affiliate marketing to earn money.

Write a blog through WordPress

write a blog on wordpress

You can start a blog on for free and then upgrade to a paid account to monetize your blog. There are a number of ways to make money from your blog, including:

-Selling advertising

-Selling products or services

-Participating in affiliate programs

-Generating income from Google AdSense or other advertising programs

-Offering paid subscriptions

-Charging for access to your content-Accepting donations from readers You can also make money from your blog by writing sponsored posts, which are paid posts that you write for companies or brands.

To make money from your blog, you’ll need to have a good understanding of how to drive traffic to your blog. You can promote your blog posts on social media, build links to your blog, and use other online marketing techniques to attract readers. If you want to make money from your blog, it’s important to create high-quality content that will engage readers.

Consulting services to organizations

consulting services

Are you looking for ways to earn money with your skills and knowledge? Consulting services might be the perfect opportunity for you!

Consulting services can be a great way for organizations to get access to the expertise of professionals who can help them solve specific problems or improve their operations. In return, consultants can earn money by sharing their skills and knowledge with these organizations.

There are a variety of different types of consulting services that you can offer, depending on your skills and experience. Some of the most common consulting services include:

Strategy consulting: helping organizations develop and implement plans for achieving their goals

Business consulting: providing advice and support on specific business issues

IT consulting: helping organizations with technology-related issues

Management consulting: providing advice on management and organizational issues

If you have expertise in a particular area, you can offer consulting services in that field

as well.

Remote Work

remote work

Many companies, especially startups and tech companies, are hiring remote web developers, you can apply to work with them, which gives you a more flexible schedule, and you may be able to command a higher salary.

Building and selling online courses

building online cources

Steadily changing web-based entertainment and search calculations make possessing your channels more significant than at any time in recent memory. Online courses are an extraordinary instrument for building local areas and developing your rundown.

Today, anybody can share information as fast and effectively as you can transfer a video to YouTube. However, to investigate a themed top to bottom, form a local area, procure a pay, or develop your business by selling on the web courses? That takes a more strong arrangement to assist you with planning course pages, working out an educational program, and advancing your course. Steadily changing web-based entertainment and search calculations make possessing your channels more significant than at any time in recent memory. Online courses are an extraordinary instrument for building local areas and developing your rundown. Today, anybody can share information as fast and effectively as you can transfer a video to YouTube. However, to investigate a themed top to bottom, form a local area, procure a pay, or develop your business by selling on the web courses? That takes a more strong arrangement to assist you with planning course pages, working out an educational program, and advancing your course.

I explored and tried many applications for making and selling on the web courses, and these are my picks for something good. I explored and tried many applications for making and selling on the web courses, and these are my picks for something good.

Making online stores

Online Store

Making a best-selling online web store to earn a lots of money, nowadays people want to do online shopping in an easiest way to secure their time so with this you can sale most attractive things on your store to seek attention of many peoples and it’s very profitable.

Marketing through Google Ads

Google Ads

As we all know that Google is a solution for all of us of our many problems and confusions, so here I want to introduce to all of you that it’s an easiest way to earn money just make your websites and do your marketing through Google ads.

In our daily life routine in offices, schools, universities, homes and like other places we used Google on our PC’s, phones and also on other gadgets to seek knowledge and information about our required data, some of us use it for shopping and other purposes so when people came on your website and click on Google ads you earn money.

So in short you earn money on just one click!

Creating and selling digital products

Selling Digital Products

There are a few ways to make money with creating and selling digital products. Perhaps the simplest way to do this is to create an eBook and sell it through an online store such as Amazon Kindle. You can also create and sell digital products through your own website.

One way to create a digital product is to record a video course and sell it through a site like Udemy. You can also create and sell online courses through your own website.

You can also create and sell digital products through a membership site. A membership site is a site where you can offer access to a library of digital products for a monthly fee.


Finally, you can create and sell digital products through a subscription site. A subscription site is a site where you can offer access to a library of digital products for a yearly fee.

Linked In Usage

LinkedIn Usage

There are many ways to make money with LinkedIn. The most common way is to use LinkedIn to find a job. LinkedIn has over 400 million users, so it is a great place to find a job. You can also use LinkedIn to find a business partner or to find customers for your business. You can also use LinkedIn to find a job. LinkedIn has over 400 million users, so it is a great place to find a job. You can also use LinkedIn to find a business partner or to find customers for your business.