Like other fields of life, the dynamics of healthcare have also changed in the past. From calling your physician and making an appointment to doing all this online – healthcare web development has played a significant role.

A survey by PatientPop shows that 42% of people say that they would prefer an online appointment on the healthcare website.

Yet, many of them are disappointed not to have this feature.

While hospitals and clinics do not give as much importance to online dealing today, projections show that healthcare websites will be inevitable in the future.

Zippia mentions that the appointment scheduling market is projected to reach $588.10 million by 2027.

Keep reading to know how to beat your competitors through healthcare web portal development. We have covered everything from the healthcare web development process to the essential features of a healthcare website and the costs involved.

Let’s get started!

What is Healthcare Web Development?

what is Healthcare Web Development

Healthcare web development is not much of a technical or scientific term as it refers to creating a website for a healthcare platform. It may range from hospitals to clinics, trauma care facilities, dentist offices, and blood testing labs. A healthcare website is a specialized website designed for healthcare systems. It enables you to bring more people to your clinic or dental practice over competitors.

Need for Development of Website for Healthcare Office

Did you know that 70% of small-to-mid-sized businesses (SMBs) are investing more in their digital presence?

If you wonder why, it is because of the increased customer demand for online interaction. People do not want to take the hassle of going to a clinic or healthcare center to make an appointment.

Besides increasing conversions, a healthcare web development service is essential to create a face for your organization. It helps you in more ways than you think.

Increases Visibility

Increases Visibility In Healthcare Web Development

Your organization is much more visible to potential clients when you are on the internet. Effective Search Engine Optimization can help bring the website to the customers instead of them looking for it. In this digital world, the benefits of web development for healthcare are endless.

Easy to Approach

The visibility of your website also makes it easy to approach and book the services. Many people prefer healthcare service providers that they can check online before visiting. It lets them find you easily, make an appointment, or check the hourly visit rates first. Also, make sure to add multiple, bold CTAs to your website to make it easy to navigate.

Shows Credibility

Shows Credibility In Healthcare Web Development

A website is an excellent way to showcase your credibility to new visitors. If you are thinking about how web development healthcare can help you do so, there are two primary factors:

  • When your website is on the top SERPs, potential clients are more likely to click on the website as it is among the leading results.
  • You can add testimonials from patients and their attendants on your healthcare website to exhibit your quality care and treatments.

24/7 Available

Besides being visible and easy to approach, a website is like a 24/7 receptionist. People can visit the website with questions in their minds and get answers for it. For example, you may add sections that show available doctors and slots for the next few days. This way, they can make an appointment with the desired doctor anytime during the day or night. Dedicating a section to FAQs will also immediately provide them with answers they were looking for.

Now that you know how a website can help you move with the tech-savvy generation, there are a few essential features of healthcare web development services that you must know.

Essential Features of Web Development Healthcare

Essential Features of Web Development Healthcare

Attractive Design

The website design is the first thing visitors interact with when they click on the site link. Thus, an attractive and elegant website design is critical to all businesses.

Attractive Design of Healthcare Web Development

If you focus only on the backend developmental aspects of the website and ignore the frontend, the visitor might bounce back. You should not overdo the design. Instead, discuss with the healthcare web development agency to create a sophisticated yet catchy website outlook.

Easy Navigation

Easy Navigation

Though an appealing outlook is the first element of a website, easy navigation is also crucial.

94% of Consumers Say Your Website Must Be Easy to Navigate.

Let’s say an older person visits your website to schedule an appointment. They would get irritated finding the desired function if not prominent. Thus, it is suggested to add visible CTAs to the site. It makes it convenient for visitors as people of all ages to access a healthcare service website.

Interesting Content

Interesting Content

Now that you are sorted about the design and navigation, it is important to see what you want to put on the website. Add relevant, interesting content on the website to provide all required information about the services. Speak more with pictures; add transitions, infographics, and animations. As mentioned earlier, creating an FAQ section is also suitable for web development healthcare.

Content Management System

Content Management System

Managing so much of data can sometimes be challenging. That is why content management systems have made their way into website management in no time. They are integral to any healthcare website to manage everything in one place without the need for a technical team.


While you focus on the website’s design, content, and management, do not forget about the king – SEO. Search Engine Optimization will bring you to the top SERPs, making it easy to bring more people to the website.

Healthcare Web Development Process

Healthcare Web Development Process

Define the Product

When you consult a healthcare web development agency, the first important factor is to decide the kind of web product you want. It could be anything from healthcare websites to applications and web portals. As all types of web development perform different functions, it is essential to decide on the right choice.

Website Design

Once you have decided if you want a website, web app, mobile app, or web portal, the next step is to create a suitable design. User Interface and User Experience are two essential components of a website design. They make sure that your users navigate through the website easily without experiencing performance issues.

UI/UX web designing


The user interface (UI) refers to the graphics and elements of the healthcare website, like screen size, keyboard, lights, etc.


The User Experience (UX) is about design, usability, and functioning.

Web Development

Website design and development comprises backend and frontend software programming. The choice of the technology stack is critical to creating a highly functional website for your healthcare platform. The selection of backend technology influences the quality and cost of development of your site. Here are some of the commonly used languages for development:

  • Backend Development: MySQL, Node.js, AWS
  • Frontend Development: React, HTML5, JS


Compliance is an essential aspect of creating a medical website and healthcare web development consultants can help you with it. Web development for healthcare requires following all HIPAA regulations, including SSL Compliance. Complying with the regulations ensures the protection of the personal healthcare information of the patients and the healthcare providers. HIPPA takes care of the following:

healthcare web development consultants


It is time to launch your HIPAA-compliant healthcare website when you have created one considering UX and UI in mind. The marketing team usually mediates the launch to make the best use of all the features and star points of the website. You also learn about the consumer feedback and lacking in your product post-launch to improve it with updates.


A credible healthcare web development agency always offers support to its customers. It is a must to opt for a team that ensures L1, L2, and L3 support and maintenance after delivering the website. Our developers facilitate you anytime you require help with your website.

Total Cost of Healthcare Web Development

If you are wondering about the cost of a medical website, there is fixed price for all types of health software.

The cost of healthcare web development consultants and designers depends on multiple factors, including the technicality of the website, location, expertise of team, etc. So, when you search “how much does web development healthcare cost,” you will likely find numerous answers. The cost majorly relies on the type of developer and their expertise. Moreover, your location also makes a difference in the proposed rates.

Typically a local agency will charge you $200,000 for healthcare web development service, whereas outsourcing agencies cost around $60,000. Alternatively, you can opt for a freelance website developer at an average cost of $40,000.

The cost for a healthcare website in different parts of the world is as follows:

LocationAverage Cost
United States$200,000
United Kingdom$170,000
Europe$60,000 – $150,000
South Asia$40,000

The Bottom Line

A website is inevitable in any domain, even healthcare. Healthcare web development can help you reach more people online by providing them with ease of contact. They can check the prices and available appointment slots and book an appointment with a particular doctor online anytime. Providing an online platform saves their effort and time, which people appreciate. Make sure to choose a competent healthcare web development service to design a functional and aesthetic website with SEO to rank on the top SERPs.